Adverb of frequency, One lesson for the 6th grade

Rezulatet e të nxënit:

  • Nxënësi/ja identifikon ndajfoljet e shpeshtësisë;
  • Nxënësi/ja përdor ndajfoljet e shpeshtësisë në vendin e duhur në fjali.
  • Nxënësi/ja bën dallimin ndërmjet tyre.

Materiali i nevojshëm:


Përshkrimi i njësisë:

  • Learning Adverbs of frequency
  • Adverbs of frequency describes how frequently we do an activity or frequency of habits.
  • Position of Adverbs of Frequency
  • At the beginning of the sentence: occasionally, often, sometimes, usually, always.
  • Examples: Sometimes he plays basketball.
  • Always brush your teeth!
  • At the end of the sentence: occasionally, sometimes
  • Examples: We go to the cinema by bus sometimes.
  • We go to our uncle’s house occasionally.
  • Between the subject and the main verb: always, often, usually, seldom, rarely, never.
  • Examples: They rarely watch football games. We usually go to the library.
  • Immediately after the verb “to be”: always, often, usually, seldom, rarely, never.
  • Examples: You are seldom late for the class. She is rarely very angry.

Keywords: always (gjithmonë), usually (zakonisht), normally (normalisht), often (shpesh), sometimes (ndonjëherë), occasionally (herë pas here), seldom (rrallë), rarely (rrallë), never (kurrë).




QBMK “Xheladin Deda”-Pejë

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